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Robin Burchard

Ubiquitous Computing, H-A 8106
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science
University of Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen


Office: H-A | 8106
Office hours: Fridays: open door policy, rest of the week: with appointment 

wearable sensing systems, human activity recognition, hand washing spotting

  • 2022, University of Siegen, DE: PhD Student and Research Associate at the chair of Ubiquitous Computing
  • 2018-2021, University of Freiburg, DE: (M.Sc.) Computer Science
  • 2015-2018, University of Freiburg, DE: (B.Sc.) Computer Science
....coming soon... 
Master thesis: Currently no additional students can be accepted
Master project group CS: Group is currently running, no additional students can be accepted
 Other projects: Currently no additional students can be accepted