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Scientist Yearns To Be Doctor.. and Belgian


Scientist Yearns To Be Doctor.. and Belgian


LANCASTER, UK - After a successful PhD viva at Lancaster University, the true reason why computer scientist Albrecht S. wanted to become a doctor was revealed, as he explained his baffled colleagues and friends that it was his life-long ambition to become Dr. Evil.

    "Ever since I saw that menacing appearance of his supreme Evilness on the big screen, I knew I had found the purpose of my life..", he sighs with a big grin, "Earning millions, no, billions of dollars, my own multi-corporate organization, plus having a 32 inch-tall Mini-Me clone. How cool is that?"

Dr. Evil (Mike Myers) stars in New Line Cinema�s comedy

Albrecht S., almost there in his mission to true Evilness

    "And those chairs that - at the push of a button - can ditch my henchman of choice in a violent stream of scorching lava! Because my high-tech fortress of Evil would be built on a slightly-dormant volcano, of course.", he clarifies, "Cultivating an aura of restrained menace with an ominous, malevolent presence is extremely important."

In his pursuit to become Dr. Evil, Belgian citizenship has become a priority now for Albrecht S.

    After the completion of his viva, one more obstacle stands in the way of Albrecht S.' quest to become a true Evil Eminence. "Dr. Evil has to be from Belgium - as was revealed in the final chapter of the epic trilogy Austin Powers."

    However, bureaucracy in Belgium has thus far  prevented him from reaching this final objective, with the most recent  letters from the embassy objecting that 'World Domination' is not a viable profession.

"Those meddling office-peasants are making their way up on my black list; I'm still pondering on their fate, I first thought of sending them my army of fembots, but now I decided to use my new, freakishly large, hideously overpowered 'LASER'- gun."

